Orientation: Genre, history, critical approaches
genre— literary type
1. poetry 2. essay 3. fiction 4. drama
work cited 參考書目
MLA (modern language association) work cited
Format : author's last name, first name, title of book, place of publication : publisher, date of publication
→ 姓名 標題 日期必須寫在左上角
Glosssary 術語字典
Plagiarism 抄襲
Freytag's Pyramid p.85
Queer theory: a field of post-structuralist critical theory that emerged in the early 1990s out of the fields of queer studies and women's studies.
*queer 同志
Shall I conpare thee to a summer's day? written by William Shakespeare
"...and every fair from fair sometimes declines."—p.810 line7
*fair 美好的事物
trim 修剪
For example: I had my hair trimmed.
How to find the point?
Search bold, quotation mark, and colon
The first page, first paragraph, first sentence is the key of what is to come in the fiction.
The Reader 為愛朗讀
1958, in a West German city , after 15-year-old Michael becomes ill on his way home, 36-year-old tram conductor Hanna Schmitz notices him, cleans him up, and sees him safely home. He visits Hanna to thank her for her help and realizes he is attracted to her. He returns eagerly to her apartment on a regular basis, and they begin a heated affair. Michael usually read aloud the classical literature, such as The Odyssey and The Lady with the Dog to Hanna after they having sex. One day, Hanna suddenly leaves without a trace. Six years later, while attending law school, Michael is part of a group of students observing a war crimes trial. He is stunned to see that Hanna is one of the defendants.She is accused of writing the account of the fire. Michael realizes that Hanna has a secret she refuses to reveal at any cost—she is illiterate but he chooses not to reveal her secret. Michael begins taping readings of books and sending them to Hanna without any correspondence while she is in prison. She writes to Michael, but he cannot bring himself to reply. After 18 years, Hanna is about to be released, Michael agrees to find her a place to stay and employment, visiting her in prison. On the day of her release in 1983, Hanna commits suicide and Michael is heartbroken. He found Hanna wasanger towards Michael for communicating with her only by audio tapes, expresses her disappointment.
The Lady With The Dog — written by Anton Chekhov
It tells the story of an adulterous affair between a Russian banker and a young lady he meets while vacationing in Yalta.
Anton Chekhov The Lady With The Dog
Beret 貝雷帽
Yalta: a resort city on the north coast of the Black Sea in the Crimean peninsula