Fiction 1: Reading, Responding, Writing
Linda Brewer’s 20/20
Raymond Carver - Cathedral
★書名畫直線,不要畫抖抖線 ﹏﹏
Freytag's Pyramid p.85
The Iliad 的 climax: Patroclus' death
Agamemnon 的 conflict: Agamemnon killed Iphigenia
didatic: A treatise on teaching or education.
rennovation→ re- : 再 ; 重新
invocation→ in- : 進入
Thursday: In most Romance languages, the day is named after the Roman god Jupiter. Since Jupiter was identified with Thunor (Norse Thor in northern Europe), most Germanic languages name the day after this god.The name is derived from Old English Þūnresdæg and Middle English Thuresday, which means "Thor's day".
In medias res (攔腰法): the literary and artistic narrative technique of relating a story from the midpoint, rather than the beginning. In an in medias res narrative, the story opens with dramatic action rather than exposition setting up the characters and situation. For example: in Homer's Odyssey, we first learn about Odysseus' journey when he is held captive on Calypso's island. We then find out, in Books IX through XII, that the greater part of Odysseus' journey precedes that moment in the narrative.
A Rose for Emily written by William Faulkner p.516
全篇未出現rose→ rose is a symbol
Emily Grierson is a member of a family in the antebellum Southern aristocracy; after the Civil War, the family has fallen on hard times. She and her father, the last two of the clan, continue to live as if in the past; neither will consent to a marriage for Emily to a man below their perceived status. Her father dies when Emily is about thirty; she refuses to accept that he has been dead for three days, behavior written off by the community as part of her grieving process. After her acceptance of her father's death, Emily becomes friendly with Homer Barron, a Northern laborer who comes to the town as a contractor to pave the sidewalks. The connection surprises the rest of the community: the match would have been far below her earlier standards, and Homer had himself claimed that he was "not a marrying man." The town appeals to Emily's distant cousins. They arrive at Emily's house, but quickly gain a reputation even worse than that of Emily; the sentiment of the town rallies behind Emily in opposition to the cousins. Emily buys arsenic from a druggist's shop without giving her reasons for needing it; neighbors believe that she means to poison herself with it. However, her relationship with Homer appears to solidify, and there is talk of marriage between the two. Homer leaves the area for a time, reputedly to give Emily a chance to get rid of her cousins, and returns three days after the cousins have left; one person reports seeing Homer walk in the house at night, which is the last contact the neighborhood has with either of them for a long time. Many years passed, Emily was dead. A group of townsfolk enter her house to see what remains of her life there. The door to her upstairs bedroom is locked; some of the townsfolk kick in the door to see what has been hidden for so long. Inside, among the possessions that Emily had bought for their wedding, lies the horribly decomposed corpse of Homer Barron on the bed; on the pillow beside him is the indentation of a head, and a single thread of Emily's now-gray hair.
decipher 解開
*de-: down, away from
allegory (寓言): allegory is an extended metaphor. It has been used widely throughout the histories of all forms of art, largely because it readily illustrates complex ideas and concepts in ways that are comprehensible to its viewers, readers, or listeners. One of the best known examples is Plato's Allegory of the Cave, a part of his larger work The Republic.
periodical 固定時間出版的
newspaper→ daily
magzine→ weekly or monthly
Charles Dickens 的作品都是刊在報紙上
For example: 100,000
Cash or charge? 刷卡或是付現?
Plastic or paper? 塑膠袋或是紙袋?
Business or pleasure? 辦公或是旅遊?