Fiction 2: Understanding the Text
Edith Wharton - Roman Fever
Virgil 寫羅馬開國史→ Aeneid
Augustus非常喜愛Virgil,他說的話都聽→ vir-/ver-: 真理
For example: verification 確認 ; 證明
verisimilitude 逼真的事物
*simili→ similar
tude→ 偏頗
virtual reality 虛擬實境
For example: I am virtually impaired.
veritas 真理
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test): The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States.
→A stands for aptitude
chapel 小禮拜堂
church 教堂
cathedral 天主教堂
Realism: Literary realism is part of the realist art movement beginning with mid nineteenth-century French literature (Stendhal), and Russian literature (Alexander Pushkin) and extending to the late nineteenth and early twentieth-century. Literary realism, in contrast to idealism, attempts to represent familiar things as they are. Realist authors chose to depict everyday and banal activities and experiences, instead of using a romanticized or similarly stylized presentation.
Plot: a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect, how the reader views the story, or simply by coincidence. One is generally interested in how well this pattern of events accomplishes some artistic or emotional effect. An intricate, complicated plot is called an imbroglio, but even the simplest statements of plot may include multiple inferences, as in traditional ballads.
subplot: a secondary plot in a work of fiction or drama.
overplot: especially in Shakespearean drama, a subplot that resembles the main plot but stresses the political implications of the depicted action and situation.
fate: historically and globally, fate has played a large role in several literary works. In ancient Greece, many legends and tales teach the futility of trying to outmaneuver an inexorable fate that has been correctly predicted. This portrayal of fate is important is present in works such as Oedipus Rex, the Iliad, and the Odyssey.
Man must learn from something.
classical unities 三一律: The classical unities, Aristotelian unities, or three unities are rules for drama derived from a passage in Aristotle's Poetics.
1.unity of action: a play should have one action that it follows, with minimal subplots.
2.unity of time: the action in a play should occur over a period of no more than 24 hours.
3.unity of place: a play should exist in a single physical space and should not attempt to compress geography, nor should the stage represent more than one place.
* eum 框線圍起來的範疇
Julius Caesar: I come, I see, I conquer
Brutus: I love Caesar, but I love Rome more. 我愛凱薩,但我更愛羅馬
Marcus Anthony: commonly known in English as Mark or Marc Antony, was a Roman politician and general who played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic from an oligarchy into the autocratic Roman Empire.
The Gift of the Magi: The Gift of the Magi is a short story, written by O. Henry (a pen name for William Sydney Porter), about a young married couple and how they deal with the challenge of buying secret Christmas gifts for each other with very little money.
Mr. James Dillingham ("Young Jim") and his wife, Della, are a couple living in a modest apartment. They have only two possessions between is father and grandfather. On Christmas Eve, Della sells her hair and finds a platinum pocket watch fob chain for Jim's watch. When Jim went home at night, Della admits to Jim that she sold her hair to buy him his present. Jim gives Della her present – an assortment of expensive comb, useless now that her hair is short. Della then shows Jim the chain she bought for him, to which Jim says he sold his watch to get the money to buy her combs. Although Jim and Della are now left with gifts that neither one can use, they realize how far they are willing to go to show their love for each other, and how priceless their love really is.
The Gift of the Magi
* Magi 東方三智者
The magi brought frankincense, myrrh and gold to the newborn Jesus.
The most important thing is love!
The Three Wise Men