


Oral poetryEpic poetry→ Lyric poetry

Epic poetry: a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events significant to a culture or nation.

For example: The IliadThe Odyssey


Lyric poetry:a form of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the first person.The term derives from a form of Ancient Greek literature, the lyric, which was defined by its musical accompaniment , usually on a stringed instrument known as a lyre.


Lyre(七弦琴): a string instrument known for its use in Greek classical antiquity and later.

Mousai Helikon Staatliche Antikensammlungen Schoen80 n1.jpg



Lesbian: This word derived from Sappho of Lesbos.

 Sappho of Lesbos: a Greek lyric poet, born on the island of Lesbos. She was the first lesbian in the world.


Sappho's statue (5th century BC)


*Lesbos a Greek island located in the northeastern Aegean Sea

Lesbos within the North Aegean



Genre: 1. the term for any category of literature 2. other forms of art or entertainment



di- : two, twice or double

 For example: difference, divorce, diverse


ori-  : beginning

For example: orientation, oriental, original


pre- : before

For example: prefix, predict


sym- : with, in company with, together with

For example: sympathy

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